Thursday, October 18, 2012


I have quite a few fears but I would probably say the one I think about most would be getting kidnapped. I am not really sure of why I am so afraid of being kidnapped but it maybe because of how the world is becoming more and more violent. I love watching Law and Order SVU because it simply keeps my attention but I could not imagine some of the things that happen to kids on this show. Yes, I know not everything you see on TV is real. If you really think about it though, it happens daily maybe not as harsh but someone goes through something of the sort. I am always very aware of my surroundings and the way people are acting towards or around me. I have been followed by some unknown car for about 15-20 minutes and was freaking out. I called my dad and told him what was going on, so he met me at the end of my driveway but the car had already turned off. So I am always paranoid about someone hiding and trying to snatch me or a loved one.

1 comment:

  1. When you have some time, Google this lady,

    Lenore Skenazy.
