Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Other Classes.

I come to school Monday through Thursday. On Monday and Wednesday I have Rhodes Peele for finite math at 9:25-10:40 and Rodney Roosevelt for intro. to psychology. Prof. Peele is a lot  more of and old school teacher, he does not use blackboard and he uses those old projectors. I like the way he teachers though he goes really slow where everyone in the class can be sure to understand him, what I don't like is that he is very monotoned and writes down every single little word he says, making it take a lot longer to go over notes. Prof. Roosevelt is all the new school technology man, he does everything through blackboard including quizzes and some assignments. He has the things called iClicker and it is where you can take quizzes through a little remote thing and it automatically grades them. The things I don't like about his class is that he goes very quickly but we have only went over one chapter and it was pretty much the history of psych. so that maybe when it was harder. On the other days that I come to school I have this English class and an Art Appreciation class with Heidi Lingamfelter at 12:45-2:00. That class is a little harder on me because I am not really that interested in Art so I have to make myself pay attention so I can learn it. She also uses a lotof technology and is very into art so she gets super into it and excited, she is like an energizer bunny she always has so much energy. Needless to say I think this semester is going to go great and all my class will get better the more I get used to them.

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