Thursday, October 25, 2012

Goodbye to the Work Ethic

In her essay from the late eighties entitled "Goodbye to the Work Ethic," social critic Barbara Ehrenreich asserts that the working class does not actually work anymore. It all started in the eighties with people who seem to be very stressed and overworked , also known as yuppies. Yuppies didn't actually do alot of work they just acted stressed to make people think they were working hard to earn the little amount of money they were being paid. Although I agree with Ehrenreich up to a point, I cannot accept her overriding assumption that anyone who works in an office atmosphere isn't actually doing work. I know many people that work in offices and do just as much as people that work in factories maybe not manual labor but they have to put a lot of time and effort into things they do on a daily basis. Without these office jobs you wouldn't have the people to run the companies that make so many other jobs possible!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Teacher who inspired me the most

Teachers, throughout my entire school career for the most part have influenced me a great deal. I would have to say the teacher that most inspired me goes by the name Cheryl Hand, known as Mrs.Hand to students. She was my eleventh grade math teacher who taught me pre-algebra with trig. She always broke things down and tried to make sure we understood everything that we needed to get the material. She always went beyond what was just minimally required to make sure we would excel in everything we did. Her teaching techniques were probably some of the best I have seen. Just from her understanding, to her helpfulness, all the way to just truly caring, about her students to make sure their life was as successful as she could help it become. If I wanted to thank one of my teachers the most it would be her. She was always there to help her students in every way possible. I would have to say she truly loves her job and touches young people daily through her ways.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Give Me That Old Time Feminism

In her July 2006 essay for the Huffington Post, "Give Me that Old Time Feminism," New York Times bestselling author Barbara Ehrenreich asserts that some people take feminism way to far. In many other countries, women have to completely cover their skin and were nothing that may change their natural beauty. She tells how old school feminism differs with new school feminism. In the 1920s, many women were trying to fight for equal rights while others were more worried about getting their toes amputated so they would fit in stilettos. Although I disagree with much that Barbara says, I fully endorse her final conclusion that women in the United States should be grateful for the rights they do have. Women here in the United States do not appreciate what they do have but if they were to placed into another country they would then understand. In other countries women get killed or beat for wearing make-up or wanting to get an education. While in the US we get to have an education and get much freedom. Without our history and people fighting for our rights we wouldn't be where we are today.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Stokes: You're not entitled to your own opinion? (new)

       I both agree and disagree with some of the statements in this article. I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion but then again it doesn't mean you are scientifically right. There are certain things that you can not justify just by saying "I am entitled to my own opinion". I would have to say that in many disagreements it maybe based on morals or how you look at the world, so technically you are entitled to your own opinion. Some people may take it to far, sometimes you just have to know when enough is enough and just let it go. I would agree that if you can't back up your opinion with fact then it is not something that you actually have to listen to and go by.

     Patrick Stokes, Lecturer in Philosophy at Deakin University, in his essay "No, You're Not Entitled to your Own Opinion" claims that people are not entitled in their own opinions. He backs this statement up by saying "you should be able to back your argument up with facts" because people look at is at they can say and think however they like regardless if it is disrespectful. Many people us this to shelter theirs beliefs that should have been forgotten a long time ago. Although I agree with Patrick Stokes up to a point, I cannot accept the fact that he is saying you are not entitled to your own opinion at all. I feel like you are but some people just take it way to far and don't simply know how just to accept the fact they lost the argument.

Closest friend

I have many close friends but I would definitely have to say my closest friend would have to be Caroline Currey. We met when she came to my school in fifth grade but weren't really that close because we didn't have many classes together. When we were in sixth grade I was dating this guy and he broke up with me for her, which most girls would hate each other but we became the best of friends. We look back on it now and laugh because thank goodness for this guy or we probably not be where we are today. We have been through so much together and consider each others family our family. Her dad had a major heart attack at the end of our seventh grade school year. We were both young and knew what was going on but did not entirely understand the seriousness of the situation. Her and her younger brother stayed with us for a couple of days. Her father pulled through and is in great health now. I honestly consider her family as a part of mine and would do anything for any of them without even thinking twice.  Those are just a few things that has brought us closer and why I consider her my closest friend

Broken Bones

Growing up I had never broken any bones and always wondered what it felt like. I had seen family and friends go through the pain/healing processes but still had my curiosity. One day when I was in the seventh grade I was at my best friend's house helping her and her siblings do some chores before her parents arrive back home. We were helping her little brother ,who was in third grade at the time, clean his room. I decided to help him make up the top bunk of his bed. While doing so I leaned on the rail for support but it was broken so I went tumbling off the top bunk onto the floor. I went to move and realized my arm was tingling and not really where it should be. I began to panic yelling "It's broken, my arm is broken". The only person I wanted was my mom. Her older sister came running in there and was trying to calm me down, while Caroline was trying to calmly call both of our parents. Needless to say my parents showed up in a hurry. They had to carry me to the car and drive me to the emergency room. I had be put to sleep so they could put my elbow back in place and to make sure all of my growth plates back into the correct place. Everything went fine, it was a long healing process but now I have no complications.


I have quite a few fears but I would probably say the one I think about most would be getting kidnapped. I am not really sure of why I am so afraid of being kidnapped but it maybe because of how the world is becoming more and more violent. I love watching Law and Order SVU because it simply keeps my attention but I could not imagine some of the things that happen to kids on this show. Yes, I know not everything you see on TV is real. If you really think about it though, it happens daily maybe not as harsh but someone goes through something of the sort. I am always very aware of my surroundings and the way people are acting towards or around me. I have been followed by some unknown car for about 15-20 minutes and was freaking out. I called my dad and told him what was going on, so he met me at the end of my driveway but the car had already turned off. So I am always paranoid about someone hiding and trying to snatch me or a loved one.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

My sister (revised)

My sister would also be someone I would call my hero, she would never believe you if you told her I said this.I look up to my sister for many different reasons that I could never tell you them all. She has always done her very best and made sure to put her family first. She has been through many different unique obstacles at a very young ago and has kept her head high the whole time no matter the circumstances. When we were younger we would fight like cats and dogs because we just didn't understand what the other one was going through with our four year age difference. The older we get and the more mature we get we are becoming like best friends. She is one person that I can talk to, yell at, cry to, or even argue with and no matter what happens she will always be supporting me. She has always pushed me to strive for my very best in every aspect of life. Hillary is the absolute best big sister anyone could ask for and I am not just saying that, I truly cherish every moment we have together even though I may not fully show it. I call her on my best days to share with her my accomplishments or on my worst days just to talk to her to get it all out. I honestly can call her my sister, best friend, and hero. I could not imagine not having her in my life to help guide me in my future endeavors.

Parental Guidance

I think many kids these days are raised thinking people owe them something when in all reality we owe the world something. I have seen many different way children are raised and I would have to say the ones that have to work for what they have and are not babied their whole life's make it a whole lot further then the ones whose parents held their hands the whole time. Growing up my parents only took me out of a church service once and a restaurant once because after that they did not have to I knew what to expect if I were to act that way again. Many parents that I have seen the older I get bribe their kids or just threaten them, never actually follow through with the actions told. Now don't get me wrong my parents spoiled me and gave me as much as they possibly could but I appreciate every little thing that they have sacrificed themselves to give me something I wanted or needed instead. I make mistakes and am not perfect but I know that I have good morals and have been raised a way I hope to one day be able to raise my kids to live like.


My family is one of the most important things that anyone could have. I know when it comes to me and my family we are all very open and honest with one another. I consider a few of my friends that I am very close with family, just because I know that they would be there for me just like a family member would be. I feel like family is a bond that you don't have with just anyone it has to be a special person that cares for you and your interest as much as you do for them. My family is one of the most forgiving, understanding, giving, helpful, supportive families I could ever imagine possible. They have always supported anything and everything that I have been involved in and helped me reach many goals that wouldn't be possible if it weren't for them. Of course my family isn't perfect and we have are fights but at the end of the day I know who I could run to in a heartbeat without a doubt and know they would be there with arms wide open. Just remember family is blood and that something you don't have with many others.

A dream or Goal

I have many different goals but one that I hope to fulfill very easily to accomplish graduation college within four years and after that being able to find a job in my career field. No one in my immediate family has graduated from college and I would love to be able to say that I am the first. My dad never even began college, after he got his high school diploma he started his career in the real world. While my mom on the other hand, went to college for one year but had to stop due to cost and different reasons. I do have one older sister whose in now enrolled at Troy University in Montgomery but she has had to put her schooling on hold because she had a precious daughter a lot sooner then expected. I just want to make my family proud because they have always stood behind me one hundred percent since day one no matter the circumstances. So I would have to say that is one thing that is very important for me to accomplish within a timely manner!

wander the library

While I have been in and out of libraries my whole life I have never been in a College Library. We were told to choose three books that had to do with out discourse communities or with our career choices. The library has 3 different stories that are divided into different sections from letters and numbers. When you search the book it gives you the letter and number needed to find your specific book. I looked them all up and was on my way to find them, I found the different floors very easily but once I got there I think I was just overwhelmed. After I wandered around for a few minutes trying to figure out exactly what I was doing, I found the row that my first book was on and then finally the shelf where my book was placed. After the first book it got easier because I knew what to expect and exactly what I was looking for. I think that this was a good experience that all freshmen should be made to do just so they can actually get some use out of the Library and get the full use out of all their sources!

Facebook vs. Twitter

What's the difference, Facebook or Twitter? Ever since I can remember Facebook has been the main social network that I have heard of, but in the last few years facebook has started to get some competition. I have both Facebook and Twitter and they are similar in many ways. They both allow you to keep up with friends that otherwise you may not be able to. Both allow you to read updates or to see pictures that they upload. One of the major differences is Facebook is more compatible with trying to old friends that maybe you haven't talked to in years or trying to meet new people. While Twitter is more for who you are currently close with or have some kind of recent connection. Facebook is aimed towards all ages while Twitter is more for the younger generations. Any social network could make or break someone all up to what information they put on there, many jobs are using this as another way of checking to see whether they want someone apart of their team. I would have to say I like Facebook more just because I can find old friends or distant family and keep up with what is going on in their lives today.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Stokes: You're not entitled to your opinion?

I both agree and disagree with some of the statements in this article. I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion but then again it doesn't mean you are scientifically right. There are certain things that you can not justify just by saying "I am entitled to my own opinion". I would have to say that in many disagreements it maybe based on morals or how you look at the world, so technically you are entitled to your own opinion. Some people may take it to far, sometimes you just have to know when enough is enough and just let it go. I would agree that if you can't back up your opinion with fact then it is not something that you actually have to listen to and go by.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Weird/Scary day at work

I work the public meaning most days are very weird because some people just have no common sense. different. I worked at a small gas station/grocery store in my hometown. We were always very busy since it was the closest store that carried about anything you would need. On this one day a car with about five guys pulled up at the gas pump, one of the guys that got out of the car I recognized. The guy had went to my high school and had just been arrested about 2 weeks before for armed robery, so of course my stomach is in knots and I am very worreid. One of the guys pumped some gas, while three came in the store, and one walked around outside. I talked as nice as I could to them as they walked in and called the one I knew by name so maybe he would reliaze he knew me. Me and my manager communicated with our eyes and could both see the fear eachother had. There was only one guy working that day and he was our meat guy, so we got him out there just so it was known it wasn't all women. They didn't buy anything just walked around and payed for the gas. We were thinking they were scoping out the place to come back and rob us. So when they left my manager told me if I were to see that car again to hit our panic button and if nothing happend she would take the blame for hitting it. She said "rather safe then sorry". I think the guys noticed we were pretty busy and there were many camera's, we never saw them again thank goodness. That day by far would have to have been the weirdest/scariest day I ever endured at work.