Thursday, September 27, 2012


To give you the background of my most valuable keepsake it is from my grandmother, who I am named after. I have always had a close bond with all my grandparents, but with her it is a very different type of bond. Needless to say, she has thirteen grandchildren all together and I am the only one that has gotten anything with so much meaning. As I have gotten older she has started to give me pieces of jewelry that mean something to her. She gave me a gold bracelet right before graduation ,with Charlotte written on it, that she received when she was about to graduate high school as well. My most valuable keepsake would be the rings my she gave me, which were her mothers engagement ring and wedding band. The wedding band is engraved with her parents initials and the year in which they were married. I wore them as a necklace because they were a little big and didn't want to loose them. I wear them daily and could never let anything happen to them because I know how much they mean to her and now what they mean to me.

favorite food

I would have to say that my favorite food is chicken. I am a very picky eater and am not outgoing when it comes to trying new foods, cause who wants to buy something that they aren't sure they are going to like. I eat chicken about four or five times a week, whether it be by itself or mixed in a casserole. All my family and friends know that if I am coming over and they are cooking chicken, pretty much any way, I will be happy. I've loved chicken ever since I can remember. I want to say my obsession started with McDonald's and has just progressed over the years.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Things that annoy me

1. People that drive slow in the fast lane
2.  People that drag their feet
3.  People that smack or chew with their mouth open
4.  Restaurants that charge extra for substitutes
5. People that interrupt a conversation
6. Children who are disrespectful or don't have manners
7. Adults that show no respect to kids/teens but expect to receive it
8. When people say they are going to do one thing and then don't or do the complete opposite (people that lie)
9.  People who cheat in relationships
10. laying in bed about to go to sleep and remember you have to get up and do something

Out of the many thing that annoy me I would have to say one thing that bothers me the most is when people cheat. Most of the time you are with them because they make you happy not just to be with them, if there is a point when they aren't making you happy then you should just end it right then and there. Many people use the excuse I was drunk, which from my point of view their is no excuse for it, but when people use that excuse it is bull. When you are drinking you know exactly what you are doing and you know what situation you are putting yourself into, you may not care, but you still understand what is going on. I just think it is disrespectful and insulting to the person you are cheating on. You should care about them enough or have enough decency to let them know how you are felling and if you don't you probably should have never been with them in the first place. I have a lot of pet peeves but cheating is just a big one that really bothers me no matter the person that it is happening to .

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My Hometown

I have lived in the same town all of my life and only lived in two different houses throughout out my life. It is a small town called Slapout, Alabama better known as Holtville or Deatsville. Slapout got its name because a long time back there was only one store and if people would come and ask if they had something the owner would say "We are slap out of it". There are no red lights but there are two flashing lights in the main part of town where all the stores are located. We have  had two gas, diner, pizza place, and a pharmacy about all my life. The older I get the bigger and bigger it gets although it still isn't that big. We have recently gotten a Subway and Dollar General. One of the gas stations in which we call "The Boy's Store" has became a Piggly Wiggly, the other gas station is the hangout for most teens around town. There is one school which is Holtville Elementary, Middle, and High which are considered the best in Elmore County school systems in regards to test grades and passing all accredations. Many people don't like the small town but I love the quietness and the open fields. I wouldn't change where I grew up if I could, yeah maybe living somewhere big is cool but I have had many great experiences and can survive on my own if I had to.

The time I hide from someone

Sometimes when friends would invite me to come stay the night and I really did not want to I would find different excuses not to go. One excuse I would use was that my mom wouldn't let me, she would always go along with it if my friends ever asked or said anything to her about it. I would tell them I was in trouble or had to do something to help her out around the house. Other times I would tell them that I didn't feel good and felt like staying in my bed but they were more than welcome to come to my house. Many times I would tell them I had to babysit my niece, who lives with me, and she was asleep so I wasn't going to wake her up and get her out because then she would be cranky. I can normally always find an excuse not to do something without hurting the persons feelings that is asking. If it is a close friend or someone like that I would just tell them truth because I know they would understand. I usually only use this technique of getting out of things when it is someone I am not sure how they will react or I don't want to listen to them complaining.

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Way Our Justice System Works

Our justice system these days are way to sympathetic and messed up. For example in my small town an innocent 20 year old girl was killed by her best friend's ex boyfriend simply because she had told her friend not to date him. He hide outside her house in a ditch two different times before he actually went through with his plan. He got his friend to drop him off Friday with a mask,gas tank, and a gun, Monday with a gas tank and a gun, and Wednesday just with a gun at around 6 am before he went to work. Her mom was home and had just ran to the store for somethings. Meanwhile, he went up to the house and she let him in because she knew who he was and didn't know he was any danger. He shot her three times once in the back and they said it looked as if he drug her back into the kitchen because she was trying to get away. He then shot her in the shoulder and then the back of the head, blowing her face to pieces. He then got in her car, drove to Wetumpka Winn Dixie to leave her car, and then continued to call his mom from McDonald's saying his car was broken down. After the news began to spread he called a few people telling them how sorry he was about the news, changed his profile picture to him and her, and so forth. He finally got caught and brought in for questioning admitting to committing the murder and while saying he didn't regret it. He has been charged with capital murder for this case because yes she let him in but she didn't know that he was any harm. He has gotten his sister to pay an inmate to try to smuggle pieces of a hacksaw into the prison so he could try to escape. After she was caught for that she made bail and went back to the prison gate trying to tell him where the doors and windows were. He is trying to plea not guilty for reason of insanity, he is insane as in crazy but he deserves everything that should be given to him. They think he will get insanity though because of the way our justice system is ran when clearly he knew exactly what he was doing enough to try to escape.


My opinion on the Internet is I think that some people abuse it and post some very personal things that do not need to be known by the world on there. It was made to help make it easier to better communicate with people and help you research things easier than having to use dictionaries or encyclopedias. I use things such as Facebook, email, google, and now blackboard. Many people do not understand the concept of what Facebook was intended to do. It was made to be able to find people that you haven't seen in years or to keep in touch with those that are moving off. On these social networks many people post very personal things that just shouldn't be shared to people they do not know. Such as: phone numbers, addresses, etc. because this is how people can find you without knowing you. Google is a good thing that will help you many questions you may have but then again there is a lot of false information on the Internet that people just make up or change the story just a little bit so always be careful and pay attention to where you are getting your information from. Blackboard is what many of colleges are using now to communicate with their students so they don't have to print everything out for the students. In my opinion this is a great advancement because it makes it so much easier if you misplace something or just need further guidance on it. So the way I look at the Internet I feel it has its good sides and bad.

First Wreck

My first wreck happened a little after I had been driving for 6 months. I turned 16 in December of 2009 and totaled my car in May of 2010. It was my fault in a way but then again there was no way for me to avoid it. I was on a dirt road going to a friends house and going the speed limit around a curve when I hit loose gravel and lost control. I remember sliding down the road sideways and trying to correct it but I over corrected it and hit a tree right on the sensor where both air bags would deploy. I was alone and had my seat belt on. When I came to all I saw was smoke, which made me think my car was on fire so I found my phone and got as far away from my car as I could only to notice that it was just the smoke from the air bags. I called my mom, dad, sister, and aunt only to get no answer from anyone. I finally called my friend, whose house I was headed to, and she was on her way. Meanwhile, a car pulled up and turned around since my car was blocking the road but they didn't ask if I was okay or anything, just left. Then i finally got in touch with my parents and they both came. We had to call the State Troopers for insurance purposes and it took the State Trooper over an hour and a half to get there because her GPS didn't pick up that road. My uncle finally went to meet her and show her the way there so we could write an incident report. I was supposed to be going to work later that night but I called and told them what had happened and they told me not to worry about coming in. I only have one burn on my arm and finger from where the airbag burnt it other than that I was just shook up but fine. My car was towed and a few weeks later they totaled it out since airbags cost so much to replace.

Favorite Season

My favorite season would probably be summer. It may get really hot here in Alabama but there are many different things to do to entertain you and cool you off. The main reason I like summer so much is because when you are in high school you get to have a two month break and you get to spend a lot of time with you friends. During the summer I always hung out with friends, slept late, went swimming at the pool or the lake,had cookouts, and went on vacations. Me and my girlfriends would have slumber parties and sleep late the next day since we could be as lazy as we wanted to be. Many of my friends had pools so we would go over to there house to layout and swim. I live close to the lake so me and my friends would always go out and go inter-tubing, skiing, knee boarding, and wake boarding. Sometimes we would just go out for a joy ride and the girls would lay out and get their tans while the guys drove the boat and just were along for the ride. When we wanted a break from the lake we would normally go back and throw some stuff on the grill since the sun made us all so hungry. Most families go on different vacations, some go to see family that they don't get to see often or just go out of town to get away and relax with friends. Many people normally go to the beach since it was hot and you could swim and hang out on the beach all day. Those are just a few reasons why summer is my favorite season.

If I had a Superpower ? (thinking)

If I could have a superpower I think I would want to have the ability to see what other people were thinking because sometimes I don't understand the thought process people use to make decisions. One thing I would love to see is what people think when they are getting dressed some people just seem to have no respect for themselves or others. I don't know if they have their own special mirror that make things look more appealing but whatever it is I think it would be interesting to see. Another thing I would love to see is how guys think. Just some of the things guys do makes no sense to me but apparently they think it does or they wouldn't have handled their problem that way. I would love to see if they have as much feelings as we do they just don't express them because they are scared to be judged or that they maybe looked at differently. I am sure there would be down sides to seeing what people think because they probably are not all good things but at least you would always know the truth instead of lies.

One thing I am really good at.

I am really good with children of all ages. Some of my family calls me the "baby whisperer" because normally even if the baby doesn't know me I can calm them down and keep them calm. I have been already kids all of my life from just kids in my family or family friends. Many little girls love babies but me especially, I started out helping with children's church on Sunday's when I was in about 7th grade which were kids from about age 3 - to about 5th grade. I used to always like being in charge at a young age so this began to show me that I wasn't being told what to do I was showing them how to do new things and what to do. I now babysit all the time but I watch kids for two different families and my sister. One of the families I babysit for is one of my old teachers who has a 4 year old little girl and a 1 year old little boy. The other family I babysit for is my dentist and his wife who have three children, two little girls who are 3 and 4 years old. They also have a little boy who is 1, so as you can tell I can handle kids pretty well just have to know how to manage your time. That is why I would have to say that one thing that I am really good at is watching children.

Hardest class this semester.

My hardest class that I am currently enrolled in would be Introduction to Psychology. Everyone has always told me that this is their favorite course and that they would love to be able to take more to learn about Psychology. However, I am not doing so well because my teachers test are so hard. They are more out of the book than the notes and the book is almost impossible to read without falling asleep. I have studied for both of my test and done terrible on both of them so I am trying new techniques to maybe better help my grades. I have never really had to teach myself because I was used to teachers basically telling exactly what the test was going to be like and would go straight from what they had taught you in class. I am working as hard as I can to make my grade better so I don't have to drop the class and have to retake it later on. I have always had good grades throughout my school career and I am determined to beat this class.

My parents

My parents are the best parents I could possibly ask for.  My parents have been married for 25 years and of course they have had their ups and downs ,but then again who doesn't. They have always given me and my sister everything they possibly could even if it meant they went without. I don't know how I would have turned out without either of them, because they both have such a huge impact on my life.  My parents raised me so that I appreciate the small things in life and am thankful for what others do for me no matter the value. They have also taught me my manners and how to handle problems in life. Although, me and my parents have our differences I know they always support me one hundred percent no matter the circumstances. They are someone that I can go to with any problem and I know they are willing to help me as much as they possibly can or they will just sit there and listen without judgement. We have our line of parenthood and friends and we never cross over it. I am just glad to have parents that I can be open with and not lie to them.


If I had to choose somewhere to volunteer at I would choose the Adulluam House which is a home that takes in children of all ages whose mothers are incarcerated and have no other legal guardian. I have personally volunteered at there before. I have so much respect for the owners and people that help run it so smoothly. Some of the children are up for adoption and the workers or owners adopt them if it is possible so they will have a home and their own family. Everyone involved with the Adulluam House is like one huge family who helps one another in any way they can. Many people judge these kids because they are apart of the Adulluam House family but I think it should be the complete opposite way. They have their own school they have opened and their own church that all of the children attend on the regular. I hope to one day donate money to them monthly and make it possible for them to keep doing such an amazing job with helping so many innocent children/

Why shouldn't you write your own life story?

 Many people would think that being able to write your own life story would be great but I don't think I would like it because I feel like everything happens for a reason. If you could write it yourself then you wouldn't want anything to go wrong and your life would be "perfect". That is just a part of life it isn't fair or perfect, it is just overall interesting and entertaining. You also wouldn't be able to learn from your mistakes because you wouldn't make any if you knew exactly what was going to happen next or how it would overall end up. You wouldn't experience the heartbreaks but I feel like they make you stronger and make you who you are when it comes to relationships. It also makes you appreciate what you have right in front of you instead of always wanting something different and know for sure what you are looking for when it comes to marriage or other serious relationships. That is why you shouldn't be able to write your own life story.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

cell phones

People have many different opinions about whether cell phones are  good things or bad things, as it becomes more and more popular to the younger generations. I have mixed emotions about them because I think there are good and bad qualities in having one. Older generations think that they are such awful things to have because some people overuse them. It is not only the kids faults because it is normally started by the parents that give it to them or let them use theirs at a young age. I see children at the age of 6 and 7 that have their own cell phones, please tell me who they need to call or when they would not have an adult with them. They are supposed to be a way to communicate with others at a time of need or just when you need to catch up, but there is a time and place for everything. People have began using them all the time and not knowing what to do when they don't have them right by their side. It is very rude and inconsiderate to talk on the phone or text while you are having a conversation or even ordering food at a drive-thru. I am not going to lie I have my cell phone a lot, but I also know the appropriate times to use it. I think if people knew the right times to use them they wouldn't be as much of a problem.

If you were the boss of my high school

I had always thought of things I could change in my high school or that I would have done differently. If I had been in charge I think I would have tried to listen to the students more because they are the ones that have to learn and I feel like their opinions matter just as much as the staffs. It would also help the teachers know how the kids learn and how they learn. I know some students may take it out of proportion and try to get things that are just irrelevant , but many students have ideas to help the school out in many different ways. I would also have tried to get more food served to the high school students because they are growing kids and they are getting fed the same amount as the kindergartner's. I would have better organized the school and make sure all the staff were on the same page at all times. No wonder kids were getting into so much trouble they didn't know what was allowed in what part of the school because certain teachers would allow one thing and others would do the complete opposite. My students would be allowed to have their cell phones while changing classes, during break, or at lunch. I understand that they are a way of life now, it's not fair that the teachers can have theirs all day and some use them even during class and students aren't even allowed to bring them on campus. These are just a few of the examples of how I think the school could have been changed for the better.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My sister

My sister is probably the one person I look up to the most. She has been through so much and has always kept her head up no matter the circumstances. We used to fight like cats and dogs when we were younger but as we both got mature we became best friends. I love to have that one person to talk to, yell at, cry to, or even argue with and know that no matter what happens she will always be there standing behind me. She pushes me so hard to do well in school and succeed at everything I do. I couldn't imagine not having her in my life or having anyone else in her place. She is the best big sister a girl could ask for and I'm not just saying that. If I have a moment and want to just complain I know who to call and she will just sit there and listen about my awful day and then say something that just completely turns it around. We have always been close but she just recently moved back in and looking back I don't know how we didn't live together. I would do anything for her and I know she would do the same.